
Street poetry is defined as:

Is a form of urban poetry which is characterized by its use of slang and/or use of language that is traditionally used by oppressed people or small groups;

Extracted from Urban dictionary

Monday, August 15, 2011

When I speak evil

When I speak evil, fluidity seems to leave me, speech turns course, perception is surrounded by rigidity, words fall unto the corpse, like the grave need the shovel, the dirt falls on the casket, we've all eaten from the forbidden basket, taste of fresh apples, as you chew and swallow, the juices sour, the skin turns to dust,

When I speak evil, the day turns to night, the light leaves me, leaves me blind, wandering the street of life, a bystander standing blindly at the world from a tv screen, evil at the tip of the tongue, hanging like black crow on a scarecrow, when my perception narrows, lust soon follows, then anger enters, bewildered in the wilderness, lost amongst the blind and the deaf, where logic is no longer a precept,

When I speak of evil, the words turn cold, like winter, like old food molding, stinking, infesting, emotions are like gasoline, it takes one word to lite the spark, then a wild fire, they say scabs are our insecurities, when we are touched, we feel pain, living diseased, not knowing every action is done in vain, insecurities covered by money, cars, cell phones and clothes, what a joke

So I refrain to speak of evil, so I explain to myself that sex is not love, intelligence is the path of reverence, wisdom is the key element lacking, like biking with no helmet, so I try not to speak evil, but pardon me, forgive the student, see my prudence, behind the skin, the essence of human being
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