
Street poetry is defined as:

Is a form of urban poetry which is characterized by its use of slang and/or use of language that is traditionally used by oppressed people or small groups;

Extracted from Urban dictionary

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Speak no evil

I dare speak no evil, for I dare not stray of the path, charts and graphs, all useless when life smacks you with a slap, and wakes you up from the sleep, to only figure out you were in chains and cuffs, prisoner in your own dream, promises and lies all smokes and bluffs, when ignorance breeds in men's hearts, when the light slowly fades and departs, like the sunset, the darkness arrives and replaces the eternal light, I pave the ground with scriptures, lessons, pages of great past sages, quotes, documentaries, rosaries on my neck, dreadlocks on my head, a halo hanging, ancient wisdom in hidden libraries worth finding, their propaganda is blinding, but I continue writing, regardless if the viewer is not in tuned, the halo above me slowly blooms, sitting on the blades of grass admiring the moon, sitting very still, I await the light
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