Friday, October 28, 2011
Words with thorns
How many are we, all suffering are we? yes we are, so distant from our hearts that we throw bows and arrows, violent words because of a mind that is so narrow, how do we get to this small vision of a sparrow, in the world where fair is foul and foul is fair, then damn, how are we suppose to rise up, when we take one step for good but ten steps back cos these morals are holding us back, the system is fucked, I'll admit that, but what do we admit to? when the hate comes from within us, so deep that it clouds our vision, makes us spit words of hate, and the love that was once so warm on our plate vanishes, these feelings are damaging, how can we even imagine, different sides of the human being, but what does it mean to be? to be free, freedom, like a coin, two sides, love and hate, but without the coin there is indifference, we have made our currency the current state of our humanity.