
Street poetry is defined as:

Is a form of urban poetry which is characterized by its use of slang and/or use of language that is traditionally used by oppressed people or small groups;

Extracted from Urban dictionary

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Youth now

Yea I but kids now a days cover up with lipstick, angels turn to misfits, mischevious ideas that conjure up make up, so kids swallow more than lipstick, paint dipsticks on their lips, falling inlove with the misprint that life is about cheap gimmicks, but im not immune to this sickness, sometimes I fall, deep within the realms of my sanity, vanity is nothing but clear glass tainted with silver linings, so when I look at the image I see lies implanted like a seed with no sun, or air, the truth we are blind to infront but eyes closed like glare, so spare me your futile impaired judgements about the world and how about no one cares, cos where on the contract does it say that life cares, a misprint hat we imprint in our instincts, truly a fare game, nothing is true, everything we say is a lie, so there is goes, a fake halo, shoot me if I lie like halo, awake no, we are but asses leaping, falling asleep on the steering wheel, while the real driver is our ego, so where do we go, if we don’t know who we are, why should I please for their pleasure for I am my own treasure, buried deep within me, is me, a sculpture of the woman or man that I want to be, so save me from the lies of today yesterday and tomorrow, and I promise to be, all I can be, like the army, but salvation is far from me, so I dream, where I am awake, a paradox an oxymoron of what is fake, and enigma like a tumor, sick of all the rumors, I want to be me, sick of being sick and this feelings are ridiculous, a trick , like I was the dog with the bone, it is as it was in the parable, staring at the water, looking into my reflection, belittling what I considered to be my best, opposite of being head and above of the rest, a test, yes, this is mine, what is yours,


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