
Street poetry is defined as:

Is a form of urban poetry which is characterized by its use of slang and/or use of language that is traditionally used by oppressed people or small groups;

Extracted from Urban dictionary

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

break up part 4

i know that life will work out somehow, i believe we are in a sea, life can be seen as the wind and the water, but don't think we are completely helpless, sometimes the ride gets rough and scary and sometimes hopeless, lots of put downs, disappointments, you lose people along the way, but you just have to move on, you lose connections along the way, but you still have to sail on, being optimistic is the key, even though there are dark skies and stormy winds, you still have to look out for land, it is easy to quit while the winds blow against you, it is easy to say 'the waters are to strong for me' as a the waves rock you, and sometimes we can only do so much, in fact we can do a lot, maybe life has its own direction for you, it presents you the situation and it is up to you to face it, bad or good, painful or joyous, it is still has to be experienced, you can turn cold after a break up, you can cuss her out all you want, but in the end, you still have to look ahead for land, look ahead for the next girl, you can look at it as the next obstacle, but first you have to decide when to settle


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