
Street poetry is defined as:

Is a form of urban poetry which is characterized by its use of slang and/or use of language that is traditionally used by oppressed people or small groups;

Extracted from Urban dictionary

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


softness, beauty, is it a gift to see, is it a gift to live, so many pains to feel but we still chose to live, so many beauties but we chose to look away,capture the first snow, treasure it like a diamond, precious, life is similar but never treated the same, less maybe, why are there so many goodbyes, few hellos, many heartaches, less love, more one night stands, few romance, 2 month marriages, many years of divorce, so much studying, life is only experiencing, too many games played between us, why can't we cut to the chase, creating our picture perfect mosaic, place the headphones on, turn on the music, in between the keys and the notes of the piano, there lies the antidote, there lies the moment where stress meets its stroke, dies, along with it our lies, resurrect the truth, as i look at the youth, as i dream about the future, as i write the past, i die in the present only to live the next day, we look at each other, day by day, as night falls, the moon turns white to gray, at the birth of each day, the flower blooms, the wind slows down and falls on my face, the light creeps into my window space, minute by minute the light touches my face, eyes peel and slowly the day is embraced, eye lashes curl back, muscles relax, at last, the new day


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